May 2020 2508 HMS Article

May 2508 HMS Article

Like many local groups your Men’s Shed operations have been affected by the coronavirus health controls. But we are still ‘zooming’ into great ‘virtual’ morning tea’s, sharing our highs and lows, projects we are working on and how we are managing during these interesting times.

Some of the guys are even carrying out client’s commissions at their home workshops, we’ve been assembling fauna boxes for the South Coast wildlife carers, and certainly our homes and gardens will never look better by spring!

So, keep safe and look out for your loved ones, neighbours and friends because we are all in this together. Don’t be afraid, and keep your hearts strong because We Will Survive this moment in history.


For current news and information visit our website,   or


Michael Croft 0413401522         Ron Balderston 0410564752