June 2020 2508 HMS Article

June 2508 HMS Article


Your Men’s Shed is hoping to be open as soon as possible, awaiting clearance from the Men’s Shed Association and the NSW Government, and in the meantime the members have been helping out wherever they can in the community.


We are designing a cubby house for an autistic child, making games and kids toys, keeping used plywood from landfill and reimaging it into new fauna boxes, working away happily in our sheds, garages and gardens, learning new cooking techniques and keeping in touch with blokes doing it tough.


We are pleased to be hosting a Virtual Presentation from the Australian Cancer Council in June, keeping Men’s Health at the forefront of our minds; everyone is welcome to join in just ask us. And pre-Covid, we presented the RFS with a new Honour Board.


So, keep on keeping safe and look out for your loved ones, neighbours and friends because we are all in this together. Don’t be afraid, and keep your hearts strong because We Will Survive this moment in history.


For current news and information visit our website,

helensburghmensshed.org.au   or   info@helensburghmensshed.org.au

and call

Michael Croft 0413401522         Ron Balderston 0410564752