No one would be surprised to hear that the Men’s Shed were building an ark to float
us all away from The Deluge of ’22. But no! The sounds emanating from the timber and
metal-working areas of your Men’s Shed were happy blokes making picnic wine caddy’s,
repairing rocking horses, making a Surprise for the Lions Mini Fair and so much more.
Even during the worst of the rain, the Shed’s friendship and laughter kept our spirits
up. Rosie’s Morning Brew warmed our tummies and our little vegetable garden went berserk
– cucumbers anyone?
Led by Michael Croft, the Shed’s Committee has been working closely with
Wollongong Council identifying several Crown Land plots that may allow us to build a new
facility for the Helensburgh Men’s Shed, enabling us to open more frequently, invite even
wider community participation and ensure there is a ‘Shed in the Burgh’ for years to come.
Our motto has always been ‘Serving the 2508 Community.’ We love to do this by
improving men’s physical and mental health and giving them a safe place to be, where they
can do meaningful and rewarding projects, such as the Stanwell Beach SLSC flagpole,
assisting animal welfare groups with fauna nesting boxes, making kids toys, the RSL Annual
School Perpetual Awards, Little Libraries (love them!), free of charge work for pensioners
and the unemployed, the station sign at the Glowworm tunnel, Dr Cox’s surgery chair and the
old Ford Baker’s oven at the Historical Society.
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