Whether it’s greeting a new member from Coalcliff, Engadine, Grays Point or the Burgh, or working at a bench with an old mate, the Men’s Shed will have lots to offer in 2020 for men aged from 18 up.
Lots of Men’s Health initiatives, giving us insights into skin checks, preventing injuries, cardiovascular disease, mental disorders, backpain, substance abuse and prostate cancer.
Your Helensburgh Men’s Shed celebrated our first Open Day with a sausage sizzle, cakes, drinks, tours of the Shed and great conversations with members of the 2508 community. Lee Evans, his lovely wife Gail and Mayor Gordon Bradbery popped in for a looksee as well.
The Shed has been quite busy with the Open Day, the CWA’s Festival of Flight and the Lion’s Country Fair, and it has been very rewarding to join with and assist Helensburgh and Stanwell Park organisations in this way.
The Men's Shed movement is all about improving men’s wellbeing by doing something useful together. Helensburgh Men’s Shed recently sent two blokes to the Australian Men’s Shed Association Gathering at Adelaide to help us continue doing this well. This is one advantage among many of belonging to AMSA. Highlights included hearing that the Irish (400 sheds) and Icelanders (3 sheds) are very grateful to model their sheds on Aussie ones.
If you’re a regular reader of the Shed’s activities in this magazine, you may recall ‘Shedman’. Perhaps you even recognised yourself. Shedman has been having a great time lately.
I am often asked, ‘What do you guys do at the Shed?’ (‘Tinkering’ is a phrase that often offends; tinker indeed!) Yes, we make wood and metal articles, toy’s, furniture, animal homes, repair things, make dreams into reality.
But here’s the thing. We also talk. A lot. About man stuff. About the dark places we may have been. The brokenness of humans, and if they can be fixed (yes, they can).
The Shed is humming along now, with private commissions such as a music storage unit, bespoke angled bookshelf and antique chair and picture frame restorations being tackled. We are also pleased to be repairing the Stanwell Park SLSC flagpole after it was vandalised, and assisting NINA by building a new ‘golf-game’ for their patrons.